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利用近几年京杭运河苏北各河段的监测结果,分析了京杭运河苏北段的污染状况和主要污染物以及污染来源。结果表明,京杭运河苏北段水质状况整体较差,总体水质为Ⅳ类,主要污染物为无机氮和有机物,最后对污染问题提出治理对策。  相似文献   
水生植物群落特征是水环境质量的重要标志.为了解京杭大运河(杭州段)的水生生态系统中水生植物的分布特点,探析水质与植物群落间的关系,对其5个典型断面水域中的水生植物进行了调查:考察了各断面水域中水生植物物种组成、多样性分布规律、生物量和主要优势种;分析了水环境的温度、pH值、透明度、溶解氧和主要生源要素等理化因子;采用多元统计方法,探讨了浮游植物多样性分布与环境因子的相关性;并对各断面水体的营养水平进行了评价.结果表明,京杭大运河(杭州段)典型断面的水生植物多样性主要取决于浮游植物的多样性,共观察鉴定了35属的藻类,其中优势群落为硅藻门的明盘藻属(Hyalodiscus Ehrenberg)与直链藻属(Melosira Agardh);从对浮游植物多样性及分布的影响来看,在现有的6个环境因子中,溶解氧、透明度、水温理化因子均对浮游植物的分布产生明显影响,而pH值的影响最大;就水质营养化程度而言,塘栖大桥和卖鱼桥相对污染程度较轻,义桥、顾家桥和拱宸桥污染程度较高,而义桥污染最为严重.  相似文献   
We directly compare trip willingness to pay (WTP) values between dichotomous choice contingent valuation (DCCV) and discrete choice experiment (DCE) stated preference surveys of private party Grand Canyon whitewater boaters. The consistency of DCCV and DCE estimates is debated in the literature, and this study contributes to the body of work comparing the methods. Comparisons were made of mean WTP estimates for four hypothetical Colorado River flow-level scenarios. Boaters were found to most highly value mid-range flows, with very low and very high flows eliciting lower WTP estimates across both DCE and DCCV surveys. Mean WTP precision was estimated through simulation. No statistically significant differences were detected between the two methods at three of the four hypothetical flow levels.  相似文献   
天津市南运河河道整治景观设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
依据天津南运河河道沿岸的场地特征,确定了南运河河道整治景观设计的目标和原则,重点探析南运河线形文化景观遗存和滨河环境空间利用的实现形式,并认为南运河河道整治景观设计应建立沿岸连续的步行系统。依据道路与河面的高度差,建立6个不同的景观节点,采取生态护堤措施,保护和完善生态廊道,建立统一完善的历史文化传承体系。  相似文献   
北运河流域沙河水库的浮游生物群落特征分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
北运河是北京市最重要的排水河道,近年来流域综合治理工作使得其生态环境逐步得到改善.为掌握北运河生态环境的改善状况,本研究于2018年5月—2019年7月基于北运河上游重要节点的沙河水库开展了水生态调查,并通过文献调研,系统对比了近年来北运河水质改善状况.实地调查结果发现,沙河库区及其上下游(以下简称为沙河)浮游植物的主要组成为绿藻门(Chlorophyta)和硅藻门(Bacillariophyta),Shannon-Wiener多样性指数表明沙河水质处于中污染状态;沙河浮游动物主要组成部分为原生动物和轮虫,浮游动物丰度的季节性差异明显.冗余分析结果显示,化学需氧量与浮游生物丰度显著相关(p<0.01).基于文献调研的结果表明,北运河的水质经历了"污染-污染加剧-污染遏制"的过程,且北运河的污染治理工作在2015年已见成效,浮游生物的变化也佐证了这一过程.但目前沙河化学需氧量和总氮、总磷浓度仍然无法达到水功能区划的要求.因此,未来可通过加强非点源污染的治理、强化污水处理厂脱氮处理工艺等措施进一步改善北运河污染状况.  相似文献   
沉积物细菌因其在能量流动和污染物循环转化中发挥重要作用.关注沉积物细菌空间分布格局变化是深入了解其多样性产生和维持机制的前提.基于此,本文以流经京津冀地区以再生水为补给水源的北运河为研究区,对沉积物细菌群落界、门、纲、目、科、属、种和OTUs(operational taxonomic units)等不同分类水平空间变化模式及其形成机制进行分析.结果表明,较高的分类水平上、中、下游样点具有更均质化的分布格局,而较低分类水平样点具有更加清晰的分布界限和范围;不同地理空间尺度下的群落结构差异性随分类水平的降低呈组间差异逐渐增大和组内相似性逐渐减小的变化趋势.以弗兰克氏目(Frankiales)和红细菌目(Rhodobacterales)为代表的典型根际微生物呈现上游显著富集、中游次之、下游显著减少模式,以厌氧绳菌目(Anaerolineales)和脱硫杆菌目(Desulfobacterales)为代表的与碳、氮和硫循环相关的微生物集中呈现中游显著富集、下游次之、上游显著减少模式,以苯基杆菌属(Phenylobacterium)为代表的菌属在上游显著富集、中游次之、下游显著减少模式,以产气梭状芽孢杆菌(Clostridium_gasigenes)和奥斯陆莫拉菌(Moraxella_osloensis)为代表的致病菌呈现中游显著富集的模式.沉积物中Ca2+、SO42-和TOC表现为下游浓度高于上游和中游地区.下游未处理和经处理废水排放导致沉积物中盐分离子和TOC显著升高,而高度人工化的城市河道生态修复工程对水质和沉积物的净化作用是导致上、中游盐分离子和TOC显著降低的间接原因.环境选择为主、地理扩散为辅的共同作用模式决定了北运河沉积物细菌群落空间变化模式.  相似文献   
京杭大运河是属于全人类的重要遗产,如何更好地保护与利用京杭大运河是沿线城市共同面临的问题。本文通过对嘉兴段大运河的历史演变,对杭嘉湖平原人水关系、人地关系地深入研究,归纳出嘉兴段大运河的三大特点,并探讨了对嘉兴段大运河保护利用的思路。  相似文献   
ABSTRACT: Increased visitation at Grand Teton National Park (GTNP) has raised concerns about impacts on surface water in the park. The purposes of this study are to perform a benchmark trophic state survey for comparison to future evaluations and to identify possible areas of concern. Four watershed regions based on geographic and geologic features were delineated for study. Six Alpine lakes, six Moraine lakes, three Valley lakes, and two Colter Bay lakes are evaluated. Lakes were sampled for total phosphorus (TP), chlorophyll‐a, and transparency. The water quality, as defined by trophic state, in the park is generally good. Oligotrophic to mesotrophic conditions were found in the Alpine and Moraine lakes and mesotrophic to eutrophic conditions were found in the Colter Bay and Valley lakes. High inflow TP concentrations in the park's northeast side may be due to the presence of natural geologic phosphate from the Phosphoria Formation.  相似文献   
As the discipline of conservation biology evolves and practitioners grow increasingly concerned about how to put results into achievable conservation, it is still unclear the extent to which science drives conservation outcomes, especially across rural landscapes. We addressed this issue by examining the role of science in the protection of a biological corridor. Our focus is on a North American endemic mammal reliant on long distance migration as an adaptive strategy, the pronghorn (Antilocapra americana) of the southern Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem. The role of science in realizing policy change, while critical as a first step, was surprisingly small relative to the role of other human dimensions. In a case study, we strategically addressed a variety of conservation needs beyond science, first by building a partnership between government and private interests and then by enhancing interest in migratory phenomena across a landscape with divergent political ideologies and economic bases. By developing awareness and even people's pride in the concept of corridor conservation, we achieved local, state, and federal acceptance for protection of a 70 km long, 2 km wide pathway for the longest terrestrial migrant in the contiguous United States. Key steps included conducting and publishing research that defined the migration corridor; fostering a variety of media coverage at local, regional, and national levels; conducting public outreach through stakeholder workshops, meetings, and presentations; and meeting with and gaining the support of elected officials. All these contributed to the eventual policy change that created the first federally protected migration corridor in the United States, which in turn stimulated additional conservation actions. On the basis of our experience, we believe conservation scientists can and should step beyond traditional research roles to assist with on‐the‐ground conservation by engaging in aspects of conservation that involve local communities and public policy. Ir Más Allá de la Ciencia para Proteger un Corredor Migratorio de Mamíferos  相似文献   
通过对京杭大运河扬州市区段和里下河段pH、COD、DO、BOD、氨氮及石油类指标监测,分析2007年水质变化及主要污染物。得出京杭大运河扬州段主要为有机污染,里下河水质优于市区。大运河春秋季水质相对较差,夏、冬季相对好转。市区比里下河pH低0.5左右,COD含量高0.5~0.3mg·L^-1,DO含量高0.8mg·L^-1,春季BOD,含量高2.3mg·L^-1,氨氮含量高0.44mg·L^-1。因此,市区段春、秋季应重点针对削减BOD5、COD、氨氮进行水污染治理。里下河段春季针对降低COD进行治理,秋季针对降低COD、BOD5氨氮进行水污染治理。两区在夏季重点应针对提高水体中DO含量进行治理。提出的植物治理技术及管理对策措施,不仅为扬州到2010年建成生态市不断改善水环境质量,提供技术支撑和决策依据,也为如何提高具有跨流域、区域和内城河多重功能的水体水质提供启示。  相似文献   
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